Select Product Line

Insurance Licensing
Master the material for the state Insurance Licensing exam quickly with our innovative study tools and extensive course options.
Insurance CE
Learn from courses written by industry experts as you satisfy your continuing education or annuities or long-term care training requirements and keep your license current.
Certified All-Lines Adjuster (CALA) Designation

Obtaining Kaplan's CALA designation allows prospective licensees residing in the states noted below to obtain the following Florida All-Lines Adjuster licenses:

  • 6-20 Resident All-Lines Adjuster - Florida
  • 7-20 Non-Resident All-Lines Adjuster - California, Hawaii, and New York
  • 70-20 Non-Resident Designated Home State Adjuster - Colorado, DC, Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Maryland, Missouri, North Dakota, Nebraska, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wisconsin

Securities Licensing
Our innovative study materials are designed to work in combination with each other to help you reduce study time and pass your exam.
Investment Adviser CE

A complete catalog of online continuing education courses to comply with the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) IAR CE Model Rule, to satisfy both Products and Practices and Ethics and Professional Responsibility components and earn additional Professional Designation CE credits.

Other Financial Courses

Choose your area of interest to learn more about Kaplan Schweser’s efficient and effective training and exam prep options for topics such as:

  • Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)
  • Financial Modeling
DAT® Prep

Get everything you need to prep for the DAT, from science review to strategy, plus plenty of practice. It's all fully updated and redesigned using feedback from students just like you.

GRE® Prep

From practice tests to Qbank, all our study resources were built by GRE test prep experts. We believe GRE prep should be real education that prepares you not just for the test, but for the challenges you'll face as you earn your graduate degree and advance your career.

MCAT® Prep

Individual attention from an A-team of the most knowledgeable teachers working for you. With instant support available, don't put your future on hold. Master the MCAT now.

OAT® Prep

Get everything you need to prep for the OAT, from science review to strategy, plus plenty of practice. It's all fully updated and redesigned using feedback from students just like you.

LSAT® Prep

Keep learning and enhance your LSAT Prep with Kaplan. Improve your score or your money back. With instant support available, don't put your future on hold. Master the LSAT now.

Career Readiness

Your career preparedness is vital to your success. You’ll need to acquire the essential skills, behaviors, and knowledge necessary to perform your job duties. Explore our career readiness programs to ensure you’re fully prepared and confident for every opportunity.

Data Literacy

The Foundations of Data Literacy program will provide you with the skills to read, analyze, and work with data and give you the tools to use data to drive business decisions confidently. This learning journey is designed for all individuals (both non-technical and technical) who are not data professionals but would like some data literacy training.

Digital Marketing

Although basic marketing principles haven’t changed much over time, the digital marketing skills and knowledge you need to thrive are constantly evolving. Ensure you’re keeping up with cutting-edge digital marketing strategies, tools, channels, and trends. Explore our digital marketing course and master the emerging skills you need to stay relevant in today's workplace.