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Insurance Licensing
Master the material for the state Insurance Licensing exam quickly with our innovative study tools and extensive course options.
Insurance CE
Learn from courses written by industry experts as you satisfy your continuing education or annuities or long-term care training requirements and keep your license current.
Certified All-Lines Adjuster (CALA) Designation

Obtaining Kaplan's CALA designation allows prospective licensees residing in the states noted below to obtain the following Florida All-Lines Adjuster licenses:

  • 6-20 Resident All-Lines Adjuster - Florida
  • 7-20 Non-Resident All-Lines Adjuster - California, Hawaii, and New York
  • 70-20 Non-Resident Designated Home State Adjuster - Colorado, DC, Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Maryland, Missouri, North Dakota, Nebraska, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wisconsin

Securities Licensing
Our innovative study materials are designed to work in combination with each other to help you reduce study time and pass your exam.
Investment Adviser CE

A complete catalog of online continuing education courses to comply with the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) IAR CE Model Rule, to satisfy both Products and Practices and Ethics and Professional Responsibility components and earn additional Professional Designation CE credits.

Insurance Professional Development
Our courses make it easy for you to get the education and training you need to maintain and grow your business and advance your career.